Kitchen talks
One point of origin for the evolution of culture was the modification of
food through fire. Rituals of cooking and food are often very specific to a certain
culture. Thus, the kitchen talks are an important part of the process, the purpose being
to provoke curiosity for cultural differences and peculiarities among the participants and
to encourage a dialogue in the loosening atmosphere of "taking something in".

The guest artists and the hosting team will stage a cooking event
together. The aim is to engage in different cuisine and food cultures at one table.
Sensory (savory) perceptions, but also the respect for cultural peculiarities will lead to
an initial approach. The mutual process of preparing food will challenge our habits,
mindsets and rituals; the curiosity for the otherness broadens to an involvement with the
foreign individual, the other reality.
We will record the kitchen talks on video and show them in the exhibition
area on Hainfeld Castle. [source]