the track: southern confidence / note #7 Sometimes we know, sometimes we don't
Sometimes we give, sometimes we won't
Sometimes we're strong, sometimes we're wrong
Sometimes we cry
(Van Morrison)
Coming back from Kosovo it took just
some days to change a lot. [german note] I still could not believe, when I stood there, seeing
Karl, giving his elder son Gregor company on his very last way.

On the same day, in the evening, I went
to Schloss Hainfeld, a manor house, where Joseph v. Hammer-Purgstall
has been living. (His principle work is a History of the Ottoman Empire: [link])

Austrian artist Gerhard
Flekatsch, japanese artist
Tetsushi Higashino and arabian artist Raed Ibrahim
I was invited being part of the
"kitchen talks" with some inspired persons. See: [link] The historical
implications of this house are also connected to the Kososvo, cause in 2008 I have been
there with some kosovarian artists. (This was initiated by Karl.)

Artist Naim Spahiu, landlady
Annabella Dietz,
artists Shpend Qeriqi and Etem Baymak [link]
Especially Etem Baymak with his turkish
origins was amazed about being at Hammer's place. Etem is from the kosovarian city Prizren. This city gives
you really an idea, what balkans history is about.

Karl, Manfred and me have been there
some days ago. So you maybe can imagine, how surprised I was, wenn I took part of the
"kitchen talks" in Hammer's manor house and in a drawer I found this remarkable
knife with the word PRIZREN engraved in the blade. [link]

Notes on Radio Gleisdorf (german): [Set #1] [Set #2]
[the notes]
core | start | home
3410 |