Zones of Attentiveness
are, as the mat of a painting, the frame and the wall, zones of attention. Masks which
offer a center of focus. Who places such structures in the province? Who keeps them going
and takes care of them? Of course there are places dedicated to such endeavors. Some are
prepared quite half heartedly, others very consequently. It can be a really lonely weekend, if you have to sit around to keep your own
exhibition open someplace in the province. Probably in some locale where the works will
always remain second rate. Sometimes draped over some old temporary display wall, which
can only be set up behind the main attractions of the locale. Sometimes in hallways which
are squeezed between doors.
The opposite is true in the county center where art is
presented in an appropriate niveau. Room for attentiveness. |

[deutsch] |
In respect to this
backround it is an exciting prospect to shrink the necessary structures in order to have
them easier to handle. Also to minimize the efforts involved. The question of personnel
must be dealt with yet. And the problem of the doorman. There are any number of good
reasons for extending into the internet.
So now we have a miniature gallery, whose function will
be given over to the internet. There is no specific place- and no personnel problem. The
demands for structural resources have been reduced to a minimum. The main efforts can be
given over to the computer.
The intentions will be branched out towards the private
sector through a series of printed cards. Above all due to the impossible to be simulated
tactile quality of such works. (An option is a further branching out into the area of
Martin Krusche |