praxiszone kunstraum.gleisdorf
Narrative in new spaces (Text, narrative, public spaces) A space can only be public if it is accessible to everyone. With thresholds kept as low as possible. Without gatekeepers. In the case of new electronically generated spaces, this means: public access requires a certain degree of media competence and certain structural accesses. Thus the issue of public access on a broad basis is just as relevant as the issue of alphabetization and literacy used to be. (An issue that is, by the way, coming up again: alphabetization and knowledge giving rise to dominance.) So far, our old familiar notions of narrative techniques, authorship, reception and public are largely at a loss as we find the frontier of Gutenberg's galaxy being pushed farther and farther out into new worlds of simulation. Investigating these issues in practice and tackling them in the framework of debates changes the role models and procedures of authors. (However, even during the 90s some authors actively created legends around literature and new media themselves, and getting hold of these would certainly help gaining a clearer prospect of the future.) The binary code as a new "master code" renders the demarcation lines between the various disciplines permeable. Convergence between different media causes different forms of expression to overlap. Irritations arising out of the friction between reality and virtuality gives rise to both barriers and perspectives. Telematics eliminates old notions of space and nationalist concepts. This requires new reference systems for constructions of "I" and "We". Artistic methods and everyday practices are changing. My project is
mainly dedicated to the following questions: The notion of
"narrative" as used in this context refers, in the broadest sense, to a basic
motif of the human community that expresses symbolic thinking and interaction ... in
categories such as Martin
Krusche for ncc48: netART
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