[flame] mission statement

The majority of men are, in an irrational manner, enamoured by machines. (Few women share that intrest). We won´t need to report at length about it. The movie theatres are full of it, critical asessments fill the libraries. On the streets we can note a lively fusion between nightmare, mediocracy, insanity and noble taste.

Soon after the advent of Ford´s spartan Tin Lizzy, the automobile became ladden with functions that went beyond it´s standard purpose and are not at all rooted in the transportation business.

The automobile is a medium and message, vehicle and value.

The [flame]-domain is not a site where we (Schützenhöfer an I) practice in the art of reflection, and is no encyclopedic project. To debate the obsession gives no thrill.

Instead, playing around with meanings and appearances lends us enjoyment.

While the trivial myth speaks of its own artifacts we will paraphrase these stories with our pictures, our commentary, initiate moments of dialogue, and retreat into the artists niche, roam the streets ... and the web.

Martin K.

• <deutsch>
• krusches [flame] roadshow
~ Triviale Mythen und Sensationen

• [core]
• [reset]
• kultur.at [aviso]

miss.jpg (10588 Byte)

Ausschnitt aus einem Aquarell
von J. Schützenhöfer
