[flame] hot rod

ROD, an automotive term, describes the connection of the cylinder to the crankshaft. It´s up and down movement culminates in a circular motion, thus forming the basic principal of the piston engine.

HOT ROD points us in the direction of a motor that is motified – tuned up – souped up. Gaining fame during the prohibition era, when the appearance of a stock automobile was laced with a tuned up attitude to master the "liquor runs" in grandeur and leave the hog-patrols way behind in the dust.

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[Jim´s Custom Rod Shop]

The HOT ROD SCENE has over the years arrived with a package of aesthetic and technical concepts. Their automobiles are motified all over – customized for the purpose of show, for competition in a drag or dirt track race, or to simply go down the lane in the hope to be noticed among motorists.

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[TerryL´s School of Costumizing]

SPECTACULAR ROD lay claim to similar motives as the art sector; grandeur in draftsmenship, aesthetic perfection, inspiration and it´s precise realisation. With brute dialectics the Hot Rod Scene has embarked into the accomplishments of an entire century of automobile manufacturing – all of it´s past plus the future as well.

I won´t attempt to interpret these exercises in dialectics but rather sit back and enjoy what I see and what rolls by.

Martin K.

• English version by J. Schützenhöfer
• <deutsch>
• krusches [flame] roadshow
~ Triviale Mythen und Sensationen

• [core]
• [reset]
• kultur.at [aviso]
