log #416: südost First I saw his work, then I met the artist.
Radenko Milak (as part of "Protok")
was running a project in 2010. It was established in a former factory. I had been there to
meet people who survived the camp in Omarska.

Two years before they had been working on a "Revival
of local artistic scene". I was curious about the strategies of artists in a
post war-society in a country like Bosnia i Hercegovina.
What I did not know: I was going for some strange lessons
what it means, being a "western guest" in a meeting of Bosnians, Croats
and Serbs to talk about what had happened in that region around the City Prijedor. (Most
of my folks dont have any idea, what names like Keraterm, Kozarac or Omarska mean.)

To be honest, I did not like, what I had to learn. But it
changed my attitude while following the debates over the years after those days in "republika
srpska". I liked the exhibition very much and before I met Radenko or even knew
who he is, I was impressed by this line of pictures.

It had been such a big effort of them to run this event. No
heating, low light in this big building. These artists were really going hard for their
goal. I do not know, what made one of them use the german word "Verantwortung"
which means "respondibility". In my language "Verantwortung"
contains "antwort". That means: Answer.

This was the first time I got closer to a debate about
wartime. It has not been possible the years before. The most strange experience I made in
Slovenia, where I had some talks with people of the art scene and to me they seemed or
pretended to know nothing about the most crucial points of the 1990ies.
Now, as I found out, Radenko Milak [link] is not only working
permanently on subjects like that, he also focused on the assasination of Franz Ferdinand
in 1914 as a remarkable moment for Europe. I asked him to join our project and I am glad
he answered:

hi martin,
cool, I'm interested in the issue of 28th June 1914, the
Sarajevo assassination ... it was my series paintings. [...] keep in touch
[südost: übersicht]
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