log #341: ok alijansa 
We did a no budget-startup. So the "vanished
gallery" was equipped and vanished in private space: [link] This are first steps
of work in progress. Prota from "skart" told us about a similar
situation: "in our case, because of no-space-no-money, we are going to have
street action: moving sandwich-man-gallery, with the both-side poster (still quareling
about the content... trying to make it comunicative and critical enough)"

Vesna Tasic sent me a message: "The major
principles of this Revolutionary Mystery are: simultaneous action on different platforms,
multiple presence of the protagonist and the antagonist, real city environment, fusion of
the two worlds -- on and off stage." (Evreinov) Simultaneous action will
be the next exercise, I suppose ;-))

This message came from "Art Klinika".
Slobodan Slosic wrote: "Dear Shock friends, Shock drawing. Nobody wants to be
nobody - Opening. Art klinika, as a founder of the basic model of shock gallery will, for
the first exhibition of Shock alliance in Novi Sad, do some kind of homage to the previous
history of shock gallery. Members of Art klinika and guest artists ( Nikola Dafo,
Slobodan Stoic, Tomislava Sekulic, Zoran Bulatovic, Gabrijela Hajzler, Uro
Pajic, Vlada Ilic, Duan Zaklan etc) are going to draw selfportraits on the
walls of the gallery and to write the names of all the artists who exhibited in Shock
gallery from 2002. The action begin at 7 p.m. on March the 1st, and will last for five
days, until March the 5th.Photo and video documentation will be also included."

I prefere this way of becoming an alliance step by step.
Hands on for getting an idea, how the others work. Making experience with different
strategies ...

[notes] [first austrian set]
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