next code: divan / shqipetaret / kosovART (dokumentation #1)

dok01a.jpg (27067 Byte)

From the left, in the background, the painters Anton Krasniqi and Ethem Baymak,
(in the foreground) actor Frank Hoffmann, painter Shpend Qeriqi,
interpreter Fadil Zenelaj, business-man Flurim Zeqiri,
curator Sigrid Meister and Winfried Kuckenberger (City of Gleisdorf)

dok01b.jpg (32938 Byte)

Left: Commander of the forces lieutenant general Guenter Hoefler,
in the middle: veterinary Karl Bauer and (right) curator Sigrid Meister

dok01c.jpg (28598 Byte)

Left: Sabri Kiqmari, Ambassador Republika e Kosovės,
second from the right: Brigadier Johann Windhaber

dok01d.jpg (26619 Byte)

From the left: Shpend Qeriqi, Anton Krasniqi, Ethem baymak and Naim Spahiu

dok01e.jpg (28564 Byte)

From the left: Lieutenant General Guenter Hoefler, Blerim Canaj, State Secretary (Republika e Kosovės), Sabri Kiqmari, Ambassador (Republika e Kosovės),
Christoph Stark, Mayor (City of Gleisdorf), Anton Krasniqi, Painter.

kosovART doku
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