the junction / context
Martin Krusche (Austria)

I marked the "virtual Paris" on
Sunday, the 3rd of october, in the center of Gleisdorf and did the eight kilometers to the
"virtual Vincennes" near Takern ...
[Preface] [The
[The first Mark] [The Walk] [The last Mark]
[Serbian Moment] [Grid
of Books]
[The Notes] [Krusche]
(To be continued!)
Ich hab das "virtuelle Paris" am
Sunday, dem 3. Oktober, im Zentrum Gleisdorfs markiert und die acht Kilometer zum
"virtuellen Vincennes" nahe Takern gemacht ...

... reading Fjodor M. Dostojewski's
"The Grand Inquisitor"
... "Der Grossinquisitor" von Fjodor M. Dostojewski lesend.
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