exociti #14 / vogeltanz EAST/WEST SCHIZOPHRENIA
joerg vogeltanz (2006)
". . . there are
periods of history when the visions of madmen and dope fiends are a better guide to
reality than the common-sense interpretation of data available to the so-called normal
mind. this is one such period, if you haven't noticed already." (robert anton
let´s face it: our world is
complex. too complex for most of our fellow-citizens to fully understand its implications.
each minute, each day of our existence we are overflown by mass-media indoctrination and
information. the new world order after the end of the cold war, especially since september
11, 2001, is not as simple as we hoped it would be without the big, bad russian bear and
his nuclear teeth. our basically monkey-powered brains switched to “panic / economy
mode” just in the moment the twin towers fell. and, although every single frame of the
cnn-report smelled like fake and hollywood, one big part of human civilization (often
called “the free world”) joined the president of the one and only remained superpower
in his new crusade against the necessary new enemy: islamistic terror.
shortly after george w. bushs
proclamation of a holy war against the “forces of evil” nobody could or wanted to
differentiate between “islam”, “muslim”, “islamism” and “terrorism”.
dualism sells and the shadow men which stood behind the international-
terrorism-propaganda (and – of course – the shadow men who stood behind some
terroristic organisations and intelligence services of several interests and nations) had
not the slightest interest in thoughts of all shades. they wanted us to think black and
white as usual.
now, only five years after the
new pearl harbor our world is standing at the edge of an extremely dangerous conflict once
more. the often evocated clash of cultures seems to cry for blood in its cradle. the
muslim world has fallen in the trap that was set by arms dealers and conflict-profiteers.
the western world is becomig a big gated police-state in which “terrorism!” is the
word that the boy who cried “wolf!” nowadays is crying. Yet george orwells
1984-dystopia is coming close. drop by drop, step by step, extremism, politics of fear,
racism and social darwinism including all their ugly and reptile-minded protagonists are
becoming common sense. political slogans never heard in public since world war two are
yelled by election campaign posters in not-so-very-democratic european countries,
islamistic rabble-rousers on one side, nationalistic right-wing bawlers as well as incited
catholics and protestants on the other side are throwing more and more verbal incendiary
shells over the higher growing fences. it´s a fertile climate for simplifyers, agitators
and neurotics.
but because “everything is
very complicated” (like an austrian politician once said) we all become more and more
schizophrene... for a common history and culture is not completely reversible.
maybe the concept of monotheism
and its techniques of suppression, monoculturalism and silly ideas of omnipotence has
finally reached the end. maybe religion should no longer be seen as a saviour-strategy but
as a way straight to extinction. an old german saying says (in free translation): “to
believe means not to know”.
maybe christianity and islamic
world should understand that the fact that we are all one genetic pool, evolved out of a
few female primates, outweighs the priest-caste based illusion of spiritual differences
(though some people rather believe in adam and eve). there is no “natural” discord
between human beings. all differences are born in cultural errors and misinterpretations
of prehistoric spiritual teachings. and even if there is a god or some architect of
creation (s)he would be the god of every single (wo)man... excluded creatures are heresy.
some thousand years of
theocracy, feudalism and genocides should be enough. if we won´t be able to stop this
regressive process our children maybe won´t even understand the meaning of “humanity”
and “freedom”.
the stencils i made for
“exociti” reflect this schizophrenia by uncovering prejudices such as in those that
are using the well known trahison des images – slogan “ce(ci) n’est pas...”
by rené magritte.
the stencil-technique appears
to me as one of the most influencial and interesting form of present artistic expression,
primarily because of its serial character and the power of recognition therefrom. stencils
are fast, easy and cheap to handle and produce and are able to reach an huge amount of
people directly, on the streets, in public space. it´s a chance to de-program people, for
the straight stencil-look hits the eye using the iconography of advertising and propaganda
which is already deeply imprinted in the mind of the masses.

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