Looking for frontiers the person shown
could be arrested. His view goes ahead from Schoeckl mountain to the East-Welsh bows, an
unexplored landscape for all cis-Karawankians. Special glasses were used in former
centuries for a wider space. An apparatus called Theodolith that means a stone for
Gods sake was always taken with, but could not found yet. By wireless network some
parts of Carinthian culture could be noticed. Truly translated it could mean:
Where borderlines were marked with
And free in scarce and death we stood
Sounds stupid. But we should acknowledge that. Carinthia
has some lacks, and should be regarded as a country to be developed. The current dictator
has to be smashed quickly an awful Nazi-adept. For that, we should open another
Beim Suchen nach Grenzen wurde folgende
Person gestellt. Der Blick geht vom Schöckl zu den Windischen Büheln, einem unbekannten
Landstrich für alle Cis-Karawankner. Spezialbrillen sorgten im vorigen Jahrhundert für
Weitblick. Der stets mitgeführte Theodolith (= verehrter Gottesstein) wurde nicht mehr
Per Funk konnte jedoch die dritte Strophe der Kärntner
Landeshymne zum Schöckl übertragen werden: "Wo man mit Blut die Grenze schrieb /
und frei in Not und Tod verblieb..."
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