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Övül Durmuþoðlu

born 2nd of november 1978 in ankara, turkey ... ovul d. roams in public spaces. enjoys street art. documents them with her still analogue camera she can't escape her filmic memory. to cool down she listens blues, jazz and rock divas. then she writes....

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Övul Durmusoglu
... is an Istanbul based curator. She completed her BA in Translation and Interpreting at Bogazici University, Istanbul and MFA at the theory branch of Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design in Sabanci University, Istanbul. Durmusoglu was a participant of Critical Studies (2005-06) at Malmö Art Academy. Besides contributing to the magazines such as Genis Aci, Cogito, Kaos GL, she has been working with Altyazi Monthly Cinema Magazine from its foundation. She published her recent work at Paletten and n.paradoxa. After co-curating Ittihad Sigorta Exhibition at 2005, she inititated and organized international street action performances and talk series EXOCiTi. Recently, she has been involved with some projects of Generali Foundation in Vienna and curated RadikalArt: Face-to-Face that used the billboards all around Istanbul for presenting over 40 contemporary artworks.

... ist Kuratorin mit Ausgangspunkt Istanbul. Abschlüsse als Übersetzerin und Dolmetscherin an der Bogazici University (Istanbul) und im Theoriebereich für Bildende Kunst und Visuelles Kommunikationsdesign an der Sabanci University (Istanbul). Durmusoglu nahm 2005-06 an den kritichen Studien an der Malmö Art Academy teil. Neben Beiträgen für Magazine (wie Genis Aci, Cogito, Kaos GL) arbeitet sie seit dessen Gründung am Altyazi Monthly Cinema Magazine mit. Aktuelle Publikationen in Paletten und n.paradoxa. Nach Kokuratierung der Ittihad Sigorta Exhibition (2005) initiierte und organisierte sie internationale Straßenaktions-Performances und Diskussionsserien im Rahmen von EXOCiTi. Unlängst war sie in einige Projekte der Generali Foundation in Wien einbezogen und kuratierte „RadikalArt: Face-to-Face“, wofür in Istanbul Plakatständer verwendet wurden, um über 40 zeitenössische Werke zu präsentieren.


• "Exoticism a.k.a. Ungraspable Phantoms of Desire: Functional Amnesia and Critical Positions"

• "exociti" / the mission statement
• "EXOCITI 7 Eylül’de Basliyor"
• "Roaming Exociti / Artists on the Move?"

exociti / the blog
exociti / the site
next code: love

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46•07 [kultur.at: verein für medienkultur]