Abstracts "From Fiction to Reality: Inter-textuality and Poetology in Peter Handke's Der Hausierer" In my analysis I attempt to redefine Peter Handke's experiments with detective fiction: they should not simply be read as anti-detective novels, but rather as exemplary for the reconfiguration of detection in Austrian literature of the twentieth century. My analysis focuses primarily on Handke's novel Der Hausierer (1967) in which he does aspires at attaining the real by providing an opportunity for the reader to discover his/her own reality. He attempts to accomplish this goal by contrasting the familiar, mechanical, contrived detective schemata with an 'experience' of detection. My analysis draws on Handke's poetological remarks and contextualizes Der Hausierer with Handke's other experiments with the detective schema in Angst des Tormann's vor dem Elfmeter, and Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied. The literary detective novel has slyly defined itself with and against the formalized and trivialized schemata of mass- produced detective fiction. On the one hand, critics have labeled literary detective novels, such as Der Hausierer as anti-criminal novels, establishing their possible literary worth through the renunciation of all connection to the mass-produced genre. Yet on the other hand, a defining characteristic of the 20th century literary detective stories is the adoption of precisely this schema from popular detective stories.Theses narratives attempt to infuse reality into the genre's overly formulized constructs. Through my analysis of the complements 'fiction' and 'reality' in the detective stories of Handke, I will show the experimental detective novel engages a conscious reflection and thematization of the narrative models provided by 'trivial' detective fiction. They use these models in such a way as to produce a new sense of reality and to create a new, often disturbing reading experience. abstract-liste | core | home | kunstraum.gleisdorf [4601] |
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