Abstracts "On of Gert Jonke's first novel Geometrischer Heimatroman" Upon publication in 1969 of Gert Jonke's first novel, Geometrischer Heimatroman, the young author was hailed as the creator of a modern regional novel and a significant contributor to the literary avant-garde. Already in the title the author thematizes the tension of the novel between his theme and his method. The theme a Heimatroman evokes notions of security and belonging, of rootedness in the soil, and participation in the shared values of the rural community. It also has less comfortable connotations as a tool of Nazi propaganda, and it is this connection that Jonke brings out through a literary form he calls geometric. My paper will discuss Jonke as a "visionary" in the sense that with this novel he anticipates later authors who use literary experimentation to attack Austrian provincialism and everyday fascism both past and present. abstract-liste | core | home | kunstraum.gleisdorf [4401] |
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