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Haudenosaunee, Skywoman creation story
from Paula Gunn Allen's

Grandmothers of The Light

as I sing from it

undertree of light ````blossom  she opens her   legs
```````she blue world dives through
galaxy f
orget home forget origins  falling fall forget
```````begin  coming forget end
awareness B
eaver waterfowl turtle slow her endless fall
`````her fall rests in their arms drift a coherence
a form within order of all that is she  sleeps dreams
they call a waterfowl earthcall timeless place
beaver searches formless sea for spin slow motion ```clutches shapely
in potential nurturing in possibility loving in being substance
becomes her earth he blows pattern about her
like fur down beads of rain early light crystal highnotes
swims endlessly away ````
turtle's circleswimming slows
````they sing into stars night spiral void tree of light
she births breathes on dries waits tamps in dark on turtle's back
pole thickens branches form ````song change ````balls of light
when tree blossoms skywoman sleeps beneath it wakes
````daughter emerges many cycles `````lies in spot her mother
aeons before and sleeps ``````luminous shadow merge
````with coming of  grandsons  Sapling Bud
``````````````````time to ready earth
ride turtle through darkness to a new plane

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